Thursday, January 26, 2012

This will save me tons of money!!!

Yes it's like you read it....
My house is so hot we had to open windows to cool it off!!! We needed 2400 euros each winter in fuel... But with the economic crisis and both of us out of work or almost out of work ( my husband at least ) I decided to buy the wood heater to save some fuel!!! Boy was I wrong, I closed the fuel heater and my house is a lot warmer with this heater! Right now as I'm writing the house has a temputer of 28 celcuis. ,,, too hot.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so jealous! Do you own your own home? We are just renting so we aren't able to do anything like that. We would love to, our heating (koinochrista) and electricity bills are so high, and we are still cold! We run the air conditioner for heat because the building heat is not nearly enough. It's so cold this winter, we are not able to do without it. I wish we could have a woodstove. It would save us money and it would make us SO much more self-sufficient, and not have to rely on our neighbors to pay their heat bill on time! ~Heidi
